Quick Guide to Keeping Your Office Sanitized

Quick Guide to Keeping Your Office Sanitized

A tidy and sterilized workspace is essential if you work in a crowded office full of employees buzzing around every day. A clean space instills peace of mind for employees and proves to customers and clients that your business takes cleanliness seriously. We'll go over a quick guide to keeping your office sanitized to help you keep your office space clean and keep your employees happy and healthy.

Schedule Regular Cleanings

No matter how much foot traffic your workspace sees, it's imperative to establish a consistent cleaning routine. Encourage employees to take responsibility for keeping their personal spaces organized and dust-free, and make sure shared areas like the bathroom, break room, and reception space are cleaned at least once daily. This process includes wiping down surfaces such as counters, keyboards, and doorknobs with a disinfectant spray or wipe.

Integrate Hands-Free Systems

Most offices, especially those with shared workspaces, will benefit from hands-free systems. These systems can range from automatic soap dispensers and faucets to paper towel dispensers that use motion sensors. The fewer hands that touch surfaces, the less opportunity there is for transmission of germs and bacteria. Consider investing in a touchless water cooler or a coffee maker to prevent contamination in high-traffic zones.

Prioritize Personal Protection

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us a lot about the importance of wearing masks, social distancing, and washing our hands more frequently. Implement these practices into your daily routine by providing all employees with appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment). Encourage frequent hand washing or sanitizer use and consider adjusting workstations for maximum distance between employees. You can also invest in air purifiers for shared spaces to help circulate clean air.

Focus on High Traffic Areas

It is important to remember that some high-traffic areas in the office that will require extra cleaning. These include doorknobs, elevator buttons, reception desks, and conference room tables. Establish a consistent cleaning routine for these areas and communicate that routine to all employees. It only takes a few extra seconds to wipe down a surface, but it can make a world of difference in preventing the spread of germs and keeping everyone healthy.

Bring in the Professionals

Finally, taking charge of your office's cleanliness could also mean going the extra mile by engaging with professional cleaning services. They have the proper tools, disinfectants, and training needed to do a deeper clean and can be hired based on your office size and frequency. It is a wise investment to regularly bring in these professionals to give your office a spotless look and maintain optimal employee health.

Accidents, sicknesses, and day-to-day operations can cause an unclean and unsafe working environment. While we can't control everything that causes our offices to be unsanitary, implementing helpful tips for sanitizing your office can help. Check out Industrial Formulators' selection of janitorial supplies today. Our products will give your office that high-quality cleaning you need. By following the top tips covered in this quick guide to sanitization, you can take charge and keep your workspace organized and sterilized to promote better employee health and well-being.

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