3 Must-Know Tips for Home Office Desk Organization

3 Must-Know Tips for Home Office Desk Organization

Letting the home office desk accrue chaotic clutter is not a rare occurrence. Luckily, using a few straightforward tips can help you avoid a cluttered, messy desk setup. Clean your workstation in the most productive way possible with these must-know tips for home office desk organization.

Assess Your Wires

Stray wires on a desk take up unnecessary space. Plus, accidentally pulling on the device they’re connected to can cause the cord to yank on other objects on your desk. Wires can complicate things more than they have to, so assess your current layout. If you have various wires all over your desk, then it’s time to organize them. For example, consider hiding wires underneath or behind your desk.

Some desks also have openings in them to allow wires to pass through seamlessly. Having a bunch of wires under a desk can make it easy to yank on them with your foot, so placing them behind the desk is ideal. Anyone who must have various cords should try placing all the wires against the desk to keep the floor space clear and the cords organized.

Store Files Properly

Having a drawer for files is important for keeping them safe and secure. However, a file cabinet can quickly become disorganized. After all, if you place random papers in the same drawer, your collection will quickly become harder to sift through. When in doubt, use a color-coding system on your folders or label them to simplify your search. Plus, file folder hanger frames give anyone a convenient way to keep folders neatly stored and upright so that you can easily pull documents out of them when necessary.

Tossing folders and documents into a drawer will lead to them sliding around and mixing up, so you must untangle the mess every time you need something from inside. Organizing your folders with the right hanger frames ensures that your workplace supports your needs instead of making your work harder.

Choose Personal Items Carefully

Another must-know tip for home office desk organization is to limit your personal items. Don’t worry; we’re not saying you shouldn’t have any personal items on your desk. You can make your desk truly yours in many ways. Unfortunately, it’s easy to overstuff empty space on a desk with personal items when you’re working from home. After all, no one can walk by your desk and tell you that you can’t have that Halloween Blu-ray boxset on it.

However, if your personal items are cluttering your desk to a distracting level, then maybe it’s time to find a more efficient way to personalize your desk. Putting decor that you love on a desk is key for making the space feel welcoming, but there can be too much of a good thing. Luckily, by looking for the functional benefit in all personal and professional items you have on the desk, you can easily arrange a productive workstation.

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